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Books & Edited Collections

2024 Casey, S. and Davies, G., Drawing Anthropocene special edition of TRACEY Drawing Visualisation (Loughborough: TRACEY)


2020 Casey, S. and Davies, G. Drawing Investigations: Graphic Relationships with Science, Culture and Environment (London & New York: Bloomsbury).

Book Chapters

2018 Casey, S. & Davies G., 'Drawing Out The Mute: Speaking Through Drawing' in Gorrill, H. and Journaux, J. (eds.) Drawing Conversations: Collective and Collaborative Drawing in Contemporary Practice (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars)


2017 Casey, S. & Davies G., ‘Drawn away from Vision’ in Heywood, I (ed.) The Senses in Art and Design’(London: Bloomsbury)


2014 Casey, S., ‘Drawing: A Delicate Issue’ in The International Drawing Annual Vol. 8 (Ohio: Manifest Centre for Drawing), pp. 17-22


2012 Casey, S., ‘Laying Practice on the Line’ in The Art of Research Vol. 2 Processes, Results, Contributions, ed. by Maarit Makela and Tim O’Reilly (London: Chelsea School of Art and Helsinki: University of Art and Design, 2012) pp. 156-177


2011 Casey, S., ‘Across the White Expanse’ in Arctic Dialogues: Conversations between Art and Science ed. by Jane Rushton and Crispin Hallsall (Lancaster: Lancaster University, 2010) pp.8-11

Journal Articles

2024 Casey S. 'Frozen Futures: Using glacial archaeology to think through values of preservation in drawing in the context of climate change' in  Drawing Anthropocene special edition of TRACEY Drawing Visualisation (Loughborough: TRACEY)

2023, Casey, S, 'Melting Memories: Footwear Drawn Out of Ice' in The Journal of the Costume Society of America


2021, Casey, S., ' Book Review: Sensing Art in the Atmosphere: Elemental Lures and Aerosolar Practices. By Sasha Engelmann', in Cultural Geographies.


2020 Mida, I & Casey, S., Drawing as a Creative Approach to Researching Extant Garments: A Case Study involving John Ruskin’s Clothing (Costume Journal: 54).


2017 Casey, S, 'Book Review of "What do Drawing and Painting Really Mean?" by Paul Crowther' in Journal of Visual Arts Practice 


2017 Casey, S. 'Materiality of Nothing: Symposium Report' in Journal of Drawing Research Theory Practice Volume 2 Issue 1 (Bristol: Intellect) 


2016 Casey, S.’ The Queer Intimacy of Drawing’ in TRACEY  Journal of Drawing

Visualization (Loughborough; Drawing Research Network) ISSN 1742-3570 

2016 Casey, S. & Davies G ‘Drawing as Babel Fish’, International Journal of Illustration,

(London: Intellect). ISSN: 20520204 (Print) ISSN: 20520212 (Online)


2015 Casey, S. 'Drawn to the Surface' in Coleman, R. & Oakley-Brown, E. (eds.) Theorizing

the Surface edition of Theory, Culture and Society (London: Sage) 12 minute video


2015 Casey, S. and Davies, G. ‘Lines of Engagement: Drawing Walking Tracking’ , Journal of

Visual Arts Practice

2014 Casey, S. and Davies, G. ‘A Garland of Thoughts: Ruskin and Contemporary Site/

Sight Sensitive Drawing’ in TRACEY The Journal of Drawing Research March 2014)




Conference Papers

2023 'Dragan: Drawing as meeting point in time and space', Global Mobility Humanities & T2M Conference 2023,  Konkuk University, Seoul

2022 'Emergency!: Drawing the traces of glacial melt' , Ecologies of Drawing,  Loughborough University 


2022 ' On Common Grounds: working with a lace collection', Lace End to End seminar series, Nottingham Trent University 


2021 'Drawing Dwelling with Darkness' at  Uncertain Knowledges, Material Encounters colloquium, Birmingham School of Art 


2019 A True Topography of Dress : Drawing the intimate clothing of Queen Victoria and John Ruskin, Association of Dress Historians Conference,  London


2018 'Touching and Tracing: The Peculiar Sensibility of Drawing in the Textiles Archive' Art Materiality and Representation, British Museum, London, 1-3 June 2018


2017 'Drawing the Dress Collection: An artists perspective' at Cloth Cultures: Future Legacies of Dorothy K. Burnham, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, 10-12 November 2017.


2017 'Hidden Drawers: a case study in drawing royal underwear' at The Space Between: Body-Psyche-Skin-Environment, Royal College of Art, February 3rd 2017.


2016 'Drawing and the Depictive Turn’ European Association for the study of Science & Technology (EASST) Barcelona 31 August -3rd Sept 2016. 


2015 ‘Shared Sensibilities: Drawing in partnership with other fields of enquiry’ at Drawing Research Network Conference 2015 (Coventry: Coventry University) 4th December 2015


2015 Casey, S. & Ellis, R., ‘Porous Topologies of (im)perceptibility as creative process’, Royal Geographical Society Conference, Exeter, 2015


2015 Casey, S. and Davies., G,’ Drawing Sensing Sighting Sounding’ , American Association of Geographers Conference, Chicago


2014 Casey, S. and Davies, G, ‘ Crossing the Line: Drawing as Babel Fish’ , The Itinerant Illustrator International Conference 2014, Srishti School Art & Design, Bangalore India


2013 Casey, S. and Davies., G, ‘Walking the Line: An Introduction’, Walking the Line, Lancaster University, 2nd July 2013


2011 ‘Evading Capture: Dialogues between the unknown and the unseen in the artist’s sketchpad and the scientific experiment’, Recto Verso: Redefining the Sketchbook, University of Lincoln, February 2011.


2010 ‘Drawing the Delicate’ Drawing Research Network Conference 2010: Observation, Mapping, Dialogue, University of Brighton, UK, October 2010.


2010 ‘Invisible Lines and Parallel Practice’, European Association of Science Studies Conference, Trento University, Italy, September 2010.


2009 ‘Drawing Delicate Connections’, Interrogations: Creative Interdisciplinarity in Art & Design Research, Loughborough University, UK, June 2009.

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